I am a department chair and professor of biology at Williams Baptist University, a governing board member and general herpetology section editor for Herpetological Conservation and Biology, and the E.E. Williams Grant Coordinator for the Herpetologist’s League, among other roles. I was the Treasurer for the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles from 2013 to 2018 and the acting treasurer in 2019. I am not from a particular place, having moved around a great deal, but obtained my undergraduate education in biology at the University of Delaware, Monash University, and Ursinus College before completing my master’s and doctorate at the University of Miami studying the behavior of Anolis lizards under the supervision of Dr. Marion Preest. I spent my childhood observing herps of various types and receiving encouragement from mentors at the Minnesota Herpetological Society and Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, where I volunteered for many years.